Thursday, 1 January 2015

2015 Solo Exhibition 'The Face and the Mirror'

A visual illusion often occurs when an observer sees his/her image reflection in a mirror....

The construction of our self-identity and the capacity to recognise oneself in the mirror is a competence acquired in childhood and, I think, we're happy with the reflection. I don't know when vulnerability starts occurring, but it sneaks up over time.
When we are vulnerable, our heart is wide open. To love is to be vulnerable. To paint is to be vulnerable. Painting comes from the soul, the subliminal level, and the heart. Therefore, I feel like I am exposing myself each time I exhibit new works. But, as Lorraine Hansberry stated, 'A woman who is willing to be herself and pursue her own potential runs not so much the risk of loneliness, as the challenge of exposure to more interesting men - and people in general".
I am the quintessential, 'what you see is what you get'. Showing our face, and who we are, is a good thing. It allows us to create, socialize, and have honest relationships.
I have chosen to paint 'the face' in 2015. For me, the face and the mind are the most exciting aspects of the human being. Why? because they communicate so well. The face begins to communicate before a word is spoken. When a word is spoken a thousand messages are heard; the art of communication. And, the start of creativity.

Details will be published mid-year. 

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