Monday 1 December 2014

A new thought.....

Each day I have different thoughts, ideas and ways to work out problems. Today, I believe creativity is about story telling. It is the stories that keep us alive, well, curious, interested and interesting.

Over our lives, I can confidently announce that we all have had varying degrees of failures, opportunities, loves, hates, compassion, anger, happiness, sadness, good behaviour and bad behaviour unless, of course, we are a robot who has been perfectly programmed by a perfect person.

Everyone is entitled to have their opinions. We are fortunate enough to live in a country that allows freedom of speech. But, freedom of speech also entails that we must also accept other peoples opinions be it you agree or disagree.

So, here I go with my opinion. I believe we are not taught enough about what is 'natural human behaviour'. We are not taught enough about why we have our emotions.

I think we need to understand that we all have a vital part to play. A realistic portrayal of life would be what? A normal state of mind is what? Each time we listen to a person who states how our mind should be operating, and that we must change our thought patterns to match their 'correct table' only creates more anxiety, depression and fear.

Why? because there was a real reason we were put on earth to be different from each other. That real reason was to keep humanity healthy. It is necessary that we have non agreeable criticism. It is necessary that we pay attention to those who commit crimes, wrong doings, and dis-respect the law.

But, it is also necessary to 'Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else'.
Margaret Mead.

For those who suffer anxiety and depression please seek medical advice. For art therapy (non-medical) please look at my art classes for 2015. 0426845584

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