Thursday, 19 December 2013

Lets Talk About Courage..

If we start with Freud, he said his theories can't be applied to Artists.  You need courage to investigate the 'normal' end of human thoughts and assumptions. 

The more I move through life to learn, understand and grow it seems the less I actually know.  The grey areas really do take over.  When I was 18, I knew so much more.  Life was black and white, I don't think 'grey' was even invented.

Next year is going to be full of responsibilities. I have been invited into the Who's Who Magazine, and I know what that involves.  Many youths and adults will look at me and wonder why?  Why her and not the next person?  Many of us can understand trauma, depression and heartbreak, but not everyone can understand happiness, utopia and blissful fulfilment. Don't miss quote me, I am not about to say that I am totally and undeniably laughing in my happiness.  I am much more grounded than that.  I have written a book purely to pave the way for the next young person who finds it difficult to understand what to do with too many unwanted emotions, thoughts and ideas.  Writing and Art is the only saviour. Unfortunately, there is no other tonic for the horrible depressive foe. 

The Woman in the Distance' is due out end of February 2014  

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